Based on data covering period betwwen 10/10/02 to 31/03/05.
About two lac (2,00,000) meals served at an average
cost of Rs. 6/- (six) per head. All meals include rice, dal, vegetables and chappatis. On festival days and certain other occassions a sweet meal is also served.
Medicines worth Rupees two crores twenty five lacs (2,25,00,00) sold at net purchase prics. Assuming a 25% mark-up in the market price the trust has benefited the public to the tune of Rupees fifty six lacs (56,00,000).
De-addiction camps:
Six (6) camps held treating 120 (one hundred and twenty) addicts.
Average expenditure per person treated is Rupees three thousand (3000/-) including board, lodge, medicines, transport and special diets.
Deaddiction leads to downstream benefits such as surfacing of hithato unknown ailments and diseases which can then be treated.
Deaddiction benefits can be broadly be classified as:
Cost index (economic savings)
Health index
Happiness index (not only to the addict but to the family, relatives and society at large)